Mango Strawberry Pavlova

Most, if not all, of the blog posts I’ve read about pavlovas begin by mentioning that the origin of the dessert is fiercely debated. Some argue that the pavlova is a purely Australian dessert, named after visiting Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, while others argue it originated in New Zealand.

Mango, strawberry, and passion fruit pavlova with a mint syrup and white chocolate decoration. Don't you just want to take a bite? Stop dreaming! Click to get the recipe.

I have found that the former is the generally agreed upon introduction to a post about pavlova. I hope it caught your attention like you never imagined a post about pavlova could.

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New York Cheesecake

This post is a bit different than my usual ones, but I really wanted to share what happened to me a couple of nights ago. I believed that I was in the middle of a bio-terrorist attack in Toronto. I thought that I was infected. I didn’t know what to do. That might just be the strangest opening line to a food blog post. Ever. Stick with me though – it’s an interesting story.

New York cheesecake with strawberry sauce

I was walking near Toronto City Hall when I came across a man and a woman, both of whom were dressed in ragged clothes and pleading emphatically for attention. Everyone just seemed to pass them by. No one made eye contact with them. People just kept on walking, ignoring them. I was curious what they were protesting against. I stood, and I listened. Big mistake.

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Funnel Cake

Funnel cake is one of my favourite carnival treats. Funnel cake is made with either pancake batter, or choux paste, poured through a funnel into hot oil. That’s why it’s called funnel cake. It’s not because it’s funnel-flavoured. While using pancake batter is definitely quicker, and far more efficient if you run a restaurant (you could make pancakes, waffles, and funnel cakes all from the same batter) choux paste is the tastier alternative that results in a fluffier and lighter funnel cake. While choux paste can be a bit harder to make, if you’re looking for a gourmet carnival treat, it’s the way to go. If you’re looking for a less delicious option, feel free to use pancake batter.

Fresh, homemade funnel cake with strawberries and icing sugar, just like at the carnival! Want a bite? The recipe is super simple! Click to get it.

I’m a big fan of funnel cake. Whenever I go to the local amusement park (which also happens to be the largest in Canada) I always spend time standing behind a glass wall that lets park visitors see how the funnel cakes are made. First, the batter is cooked in hot oil until it turns golden brown. Then, the funnel cake is dusted with icing sugar, topped with strawberries, and served with soft-serve ice cream. I’ve stood behind that window countless times. Well, not countless, but let’s just say I didn’t count.

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