Strawberry Shortcake

Oh physics, why must you exist? You make my life so difficult. I spend hours solving the questions that you throw at me only for the satisfaction of getting the right (or usually wrong) answer at the back of the book. My life would be so much easier without you.

Strawberry shortcake

And then, in class, I stare at the board blankly and wonder how you could be true, and not simply a lie that my teacher tells. Endless pages of notes, endless pages of calculations, endless pages of pure agony.

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Strawberry Coconut Panna Cotta

One of my teachers has a red and white striped shirt, which he wears about once every two weeks with jeans, that makes him look exactly like Waldo. I’m not even kidding. Every time I see him wearing the shirt I start laughing so hard and everyone else in the class just stares. He’s grown accustomed to it (and told me he anticipates it when he puts it on).

Strawberry coconut panna cotta

The other day he told me that he put on the shirt specifically for me because it would make me laugh. Whenever I walk into math class and he’s wearing the shirt my eyes light up. That shirt always cheers me up. I asked him today if during the exam he could refrain from wearing the shirt because I wouldn’t be able to concentrate.

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Chocolate-covered Strawberries and Marshmallows

Who wouldn’t want to sit on the beach and munch on chocolate-covered strawberries and marshmallows all while sipping a glass of champagne in the Bahamas? No one. However, if the weather’s not exactly warm (say, you’re Canadian), and you’re not near a beach (which is probably true if you’re reading this), all that you have left is delicious juicy berries in rich chocolate. You know what? I’ll settle. Gladly.

Strawberries and marshmallows covered in chocolate

Chocolate-covered strawberries are one of my favourite desserts, when made correctly. The key to making them correctly is tempered chocolate, and that the strawberries are completely dry. There is no way around this! Chocolate-covered strawberries can be found in almost all buffets and range from good to bad, but you’re about to learn how to do it right.

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